Welcome to the..
(Oh...  does it ever! )

Ahem. What is the Abstract Concrete Works?  No doubt you've already pondered that.  Don't worry about the anecdote of Fats Waller and the Society Dame who asked him, "Mr. Waller, what is jazz, exactly?" and to whom he replied, "Lady, if you hafta ask, you ain't never gonna know!"  That's relatively irrelevant here.   

AbstractConcreteWorks.com is a very long domain name (when I registered it you couldn't get a longer one), and I tried for nearly a year to stop thinking of it, but it kept popping back into my head, so finally I gave in and registered it.

Abstract Concrete Works.  Parse it:  Is "Abstract" a noun, a verb, or an adjective?  Yes--all three.  Is "Concrete" a noun?  Yes.  (But it may also be a verb.  Or an adjective.)  And "Works"--is it a noun or a verb?  Uh-huh.  Put them all back together again and you have--well, you can't just state it in a simple declarative sentence.

Whatever Abstract Concrete Works is, it does appear at first to be self-contradictory.  But I don't think it's an oxymoron.  It's more an enactment of "synergy" and something like what Bucky Fuller had in mind with his term "dymaxion."   Here's  a definition of sorts.   (By the way, Fuller once declared, "I seem to be a verb."  I won't trouble you with a parsing of that--what "seem" means, and all, which would have to include an explication of what Hamlet says to his mommie:  "Seem, lady, nay, I know not seem," and why.)

Does that help?  Just put it all into the right side of your brain, let it go for a while, and then see what oozes over to the left side, where the language stuff is.

If you'd like to write me about it--

(Sorry--I've been getting a lot of SPAM.  Please type it into the "To:" line of an email message.)

Seen enough of this? Here's Don Maxwell's Home Page.

The fanfare you may have heard when you got here is attributed to Henry VIII of England.  Play it again if you like.  It should sound like a brass choir.